Monday, September 19, 2016


Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is also referred as workplace health and safety or occupational health. It is a multi disciplined field dealing with the health, safety and welfare of people at work. 

The purpose of OHS is to maintain a safe and healthy work environment for workers. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines the Occupational Health and Safety as occupational health deals with all aspects of health and safety in workplace and main focus is on the prevention of hazards.

Three main objectives of OHS are:

  • Maintenance of workers health and working capacity
  • Improvement of working environment and work to become conductive for health and safety
  • Development of work organizations and working culture in direction that supports health and safety
This painting shows that during World War II a woman is working in factory on a lathe  in Britain. Her eyes are not protected but today these practices are not allowed according to occupational health and safety standards for workers. 

Harry McShane, of 16 years age was pulled  into machinery of a  factory in Cincinnati. His arm was cut off and his leg was broken. All this is due to  no health and safety measures. 

All workers have rights. Their rights must be protected. 
  • Work must take place in healthy and safe environment
  • Work conditions must be consistent with worker well being.
  • Work should offer personal achievements.
Occupational Health and Safety policies must be established.
National system of occupational health and safety must be established.
Stakeholders and social partners must be consulted.
These safety programmes and policies must aim at prevention and protection.
Health is major and central element in Occupational Health.
Compensation, rehabilitation and cure measures must be available for workers who face  occupational injuries, accidents and work related diseases.


These measures must be adopted by workers for maintenance of their health.


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