Wednesday, August 10, 2016



For the waste that has no use after its collection and after its processing and recovery of conversion products, something must be done. There are two alternatives for the long term handling of solid waste: One is disposal on or in the earths mantle and second is disposal at the bottom of the ocean. Disposal on land is most commonly used method today. Disposal in the atmosphere provides a third alternative. It is not a good method because the discharge in atmosphere ultimately deposits the waste in earth or in the ocean by natural phenomenon (such as rainfall).    

Ocean dumping of solid waste was practiced at the end of 20 th century and it continued till 1933. Than it was prohibited by US Supreme Court. Industrial waste are also discharged at sea. Recently the ocean floors are used as waste storage sites. 

Land disposal in the form of sanitary landfill has been proved as more economical and accepted method for the disposal of solid wastes.


The sanitary landfill means an operation in which waste to be disposed is compacted and covered with layer of soil at the end of each day operation. When disposal site has reached its ultimate capacity than a final layer of 2 ft or more of cover material is applied. 


  • Where land is available sanitary landfill is a good method for waste disposal.
  • The initial investment is low as compared to the other disposal methods.
  • It is final or complete disposal method as compared to composting and incineration that require additional treatments.
  • Sanitary landfill can receive all types of waste. It avoids the need of separate collection of waste.
  • A sanitary landfill is flexible, high quantity of waste can be disposed without additional equipment requirement.
  • Some marginal land can be reclaimed for use such as: playgrounds, golf courses and airports.

  • In high populated areas land might not be available within economical hauling distance.
  • Proper sanitary landfill standards must be adhered to daily operation may result in an open dump.
  •  A sanitary landfill in residential areas is highly opposed by people.
  • A complete landfill requires the periodic maintenance.
  • Special design and construction must be used for the buildings that are constructed on landfill due to settlement factor.
  • Methane that is an explosive gas and other gases produced from decomposition of waste produce the hazard and interfere with the use of complete landfill.


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