Monday, August 1, 2016


The rapid growth of  most developed countries in 19th an 20th centuries such as Europe and North America is now slowing down. For Example, London population in 1939 was 8.6 million which has been dropped now to a 6.7  million people. Almost 2 million people have been lost. The large areas surrounding the London have many of residents  but the city of London itself now remained 12th largest city in the world. 

Now the environmental problems in developed countries have been reduced frequently. Sanitation and medical care have been improved to much extent. Air and water quality have been improved intensely as the industries such as steel smelting and chemical manufacturing have been moved to the developing countries. The people in field of consumer and information economies now have no need to be gathered in central cities as they can do this in any of the city. Now the working class also has access to recreation, enjoy the yards and single family homes by vehicles just like elite class.

Due to the shift of industries to the developing countries people also moved from the areas to the developing countries because to get employment sources. For Example, in US old cities Philadelphia and Detroit have now less population because of demographic shift due to business and industrial shift. Some growing metropolitan areas are Colorado, Texas, Arizona, Phoenix, California, Austin and San Jose.

Urban Sprawl

Where the movement of the people towards suburbs and rural areas provide the benefit to the citizens, there many urban problems also have raised. Due to the compact nature of cities people start moving toward landscape, consuming open spaces and wasting the resources. This pattern of growth is known as sprawl.

A former Maryland Governor Parris N. Glendening  said that:

"In its path, sprawl consumes thousands of acres of forests and farmlands, woodlands and wet lands. It requires government to spend millions extra to build new schools, streets, water and sewer lines."

Christine Todd Whitman, governor of New Jersey and head of Environmental Protection Agency said that:

"Sprawl eats up our open space. It creates traffic jams that boggle the mind and pollute the air. Sprawl can make one feel downright claustrophobic about our future."

The U.S. Development of Housing and Urban Development predicted that due to urban sprawl every year 200,000 ha of farmland is consumed. The cities also live on fertile river valleys and shorelines. That land is useful for crops production for local communities. 

Landowners, builders claim that growth provide benefit to suburbs in which they live. They said that increase number of residents decreases the taxes on everyone. but the opposite is true. 

Sprawl causes the problems in central cities from where the inhabitants and business have moved out. The city is not able to maintain the infrastructure with less tax base and less number of civic leaders working in downstream areas. It is bad for health. By promoting driving and not the walking many health problems just as diabetes, heart attack occurs. 

The alternative of urban sprawl is smart growth. The smart growth is characterized by effective and efficient land resources and present infrastructure. Smart Growth purpose is to give mix land uses to promote affordable housing choices and opportunities. It also provides choices of transportation entertaining pedestrian friendly neighborhoods. 


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