Saturday, July 30, 2016



From the earliest origins cities have become the centers of education, commerce, religion, record keeping, communication and political power. Cities have affected the society and culture of entire population. Up till now low percentage of world'people lived in urban areas on permanent basis. The majority of population lived in rural areas which are the source of farming, fishing, hunting, animal herding, mining, natural resource based livelihood and timber harvesting for providing support to people. 

Since the start of Industrial Revolution since 300 years ago, the growth in size and power has been seen of cities. When agricultural society is changed into industrial society then urbanization, population increase, changing land use pattern and society into urban pattern of organization. Industrialization have benefits to upper society but it also has disadvantages. Almost half of the people in the world lives in the urban areas. Demographers depicted that at the end of 21 century 80-90 % of humans will live in cities.

What is a City?

The definitions of an urban area or city differs.

According to US Census Bureau a city is any incorporated community not depending upon size. It is defined as more than 2500 residents make a city. The definitions of city depend upon functions. In rural areas the dependence of people for their livelihood is on the agriculture and harvesting of natural resources. While in urban areas the dependency of majority of people is not on the livelihood based on natural resources. 

A village is defined as the collection of rural households associated with culture, custom, family bonding and land association. In City different communities live with cooperation. They built the facilities by their own such as arts, crafts, services, profession for their convenience and do not depend on natural resources for their occupation. 

An urban area with more than 10 million residents is known as supercity or megacity. Chongqing, China are  the large part of Sichuan province. The predictions show that it has more than 30 million people that make it the largest city of the world.  

In US between Boston and Washington urban areas combined to form a big megacity known as Bos-Wash having 35 million people. The Tokyo-Yokohama-Osaka-Kobe corridor has 50 million people. Geographers suggested the urban core areas that promote social, economic and political life of many countries. 


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